Advanced Refurbishment

Costa Coffee – South London

costa coffee

About The Project

What The Client Wanted

We recently were employed to repair and respray the damaged panels at a Costa Coffe Drive-Thru in South London. Our team completely restored and resprayed the cladding and Kingspan panels that were damaged by ground workers.

We completed this job in just a week to the highest standard. As we were not given a specific colour to spray the panels in, we performed an accurate colourmatch to match the existing paintwork.

The repair and respray work we carried out for Costa has given the Drive-Thru a completely transformed and rejuvenated appearance. For more information about the plethora of services, we can provide, head over to our Services Pages.

What We Did

We have included some of the images we took whilst on this project, so that you can see the steps our team took to ensure our client had a high-quality finish.

Project Gallery

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